速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers

Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers


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Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 100 stickers of Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Self-Portrait

- Three king altar

- Adoration Of The Magi

- Altarpiece with The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian

- Holy Family in the room with five angels

- St Sebastian Altarpiece

- The Dead Christ

- The Erection of the Cross

- Three Kings Altarpiece (closed)

- Witches

- An Allegory of Death and Beauty

- Portrait of a Young Man

- Adoration of the Magi

- Eve, the Serpent and Death

- Nativity

- Crucifixion

- Man of Sorrows

- St. Jerome

- The Holy Family with Saint Anne and Saint Joachim Gravure sur bois vers realisee 1510 1511 (Allemagne) 5 lapins se trouvent aux pieds de la Sai.jpg

- Aristotle and Phyllis

- Portrait of Ludwig Graf zu Loewenstein

- Drawing of the castles of Alsacien Ortenberg (right) and Ramstein (left)

- Madonna nursing

- Portrait of a Man

- Rest on the Flight to Egypt

- Witches

- Castle Weibertreu

- Count Christoph I Of Baden

- Lamentation

- St John at Patmos

- Standing witch with monster

- Three Swabian castles

- Beheading of St. Dorothea

- Madonna and Child

- Marquard von Lindau ask and answer the Ten Commandments

- Mater Dolorosa

- The Flood

- Count Philip

- Lamentation

- Young Woman and Death

- Adam and Eve

- Altar of St. John the Baptist

- Death and wife

- Nativity

- St Christopher

- Western stained glass window in the Loch Family Chapel

- Portrait of Martin Luther

- Two Witches

- Adam and Eve

Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Coat of arms Basler Adelberg III of Bear Rock, Lord Arisdorf

- Self-Portrait

- Prudence

- Woman with Cat (Allegory of Musik)

- Family coat of arms Baldung

- Family coat of arms Baldung

- Hercules and Antaeus

- Hercules and Antaeus

- Portrait of a Lady

- Pyramus and Thisbe

- Resting couple

- Adam and Eve

- Hercules and Antaeus

- Mucius Scaevola

- The Creation of the Men and Animals

- Madonna with the Parrots

- Group of Seven Wild Horses

- Hans Baldung Grien and John Rudalfinger

- Portrait of Ambroise Volmar Keller

- Christ as a gardener (Noli me tangere)

- Three Ages of Man and Three Graces

- Virgin and Child

- Muscle man standing

- Portrait of an Unknown Lady

- Harmony or The Three Graces

- The Three Ages of Man and Death

- A study of Unicorn

- Sleeping Groom and Sorceress

- Amur

- Aristotle and Phyllis

- Dagger Madonna

- Departing for the Sabbath

- Grien in the church St. George Gutach Bleienbach

- Head of man

- Holy Trinity

- Knight, Death and girl

- Madonna and Child

- Male head

- Maria with the sleeping child

- Saint Catherine of Alexandria

- Stained glass windows in the Loch Family Chapel

- Stained glass windows in the Stürzel Family Chapel

- The Seven Ages Of Woman

- The stained glass windows in the home Hofer Family Chapel

- The Three Kings Altarpiece

- The Trinity and Mystic Pietà

- These stained glass windows from the eastern side of the Blumeneck Family Chapel

- These stained glass windows from the western side of the Blumeneck Family Chapel

- These stained glass windows in the Blumeneck Family Chapel

- Virgin Of The Vine Trellis

Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Western stained glass window in the Stürzel Family Chapel

Hans Baldung Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad